Procedure to modify analyses affected due to depot changes
When depot changes occur for a customer, sometimes it will affect the overall Plan of that particular customer on Ascendo Spares tool. So, the affected analyses on Plan must be updated based on depot changes. This will allow the system to provide correct results.
Below is the procedure to change an analysis that is affected due to depot changes:
First, confirm if old depots are present in the analysis that is going to be changed.
For non-BOM files, make the depot changes in Node to Depot Mapping.
Then, reprocess the analysis.
Fix errors, if any, and ensure that the depot changes are updated.
For BOM Install Base files, first download the supplied input of the analysis.
Make depot changes to that input and run a new analysis using the updated input file.
Fix errors, if any, and ensure that the depot changes are updated.
For BOM projects, first download the supplied input of the analysis.
Make depot changes to that input and run a new analysis using the updated input file. Use the present day’s date as the start date of the new project. The end date will be same as the end date of the original project.
Fix errors, if any, and ensure that the depot changes are updated.
Get help from the backend to change the start date of the new project from the present date to the start date of the old project.
Once successful, delete the old project.
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