How to upload Node to Depot files?

Node to Depot reference data allows the planner to map customer given node names to dopot locations. See below the screen to upload the file:

Planner cab either fully replace the node to depot for one or many customers or just update a few and append new entries.

Use full refresh with caution. Entire record set will be replaced with the new file info.

As much as possible, use the Update and Append option to keep the Node to Depot mapping current.

Planner can also Export Node to Depot file for one or more customers.

The following rules apply when uploading Node to Depot:

  1. Same node name (or CLLI) cannot map to multiple depots

  2. Cannot have Node name and CLLI for a given node.

If there are errors in the uploaded file, Ascendo will provide an option to review the errors and correct them. Very similar to the way the analysis is processed. User can fix the errors or consume just the valid records.